Recover Deleted Photos on Google

Check the Recycle Bin

If you've recently deleted a photo, the first thing to do is check your Google Photos trash.

Deleted photos remain in the trash for 60 days before they are permanently deleted.

By following this detailed step-by-step guide, you will be able to check the recycle bin and recover your deleted photos.

Step 1: Open the Google Photos app on your smartphone

  1. Unlock your smartphone.
  2. Locate the application icon Google Photos on the home screen or in the app drawer.
  3. Tap the Google Photos icon to open the app.

Step 2: Access the Library section

  1. With the Google Photos app open, look at the bottom of the screen.
  2. You will see four icons: “Photos”, “Search”, “Share” and “Library”.
  3. Tap the “Library” icon, which usually looks like a stack of photos.

Step 3: Select the Recycle Bin

  1. On the Library screen, you will see several options like “Albums”, “Utilities” and “Archive”.
  2. Scroll down until you find the “Trash” option.
  3. Tap “Trash” to open the recently deleted items folder.

Step 4: Search for the desired photo

  1. Inside the Trash, you will see a list of all the photos and videos that have been deleted in the last 60 days.
  2. Browse through the list of deleted items to find the photo you want to recover.
  3. If necessary, use the scroll bar to view all the photos in the Trash.

Step 5: Recover the deleted photo

  1. When you find the photo you want, tap on it to select it.
  2. After selecting the photo, you will see several options at the bottom of the screen.
  3. Tap the “Restore” option. This will move the photo from the Trash back to your main Google Photos library.
  4. A confirmation message will appear, informing you that the photo was successfully restored.

By following these detailed steps, you will be able to check the Google Photos Recycle Bin and recover any recently deleted photos.

Remember that photos remain in the Trash for 60 days before they are permanently deleted, so it's important to check the Trash as soon as possible to ensure you recover your valuable images.

Use Google Photos Search

Google Photos has a powerful search tool that can help you locate deleted photos, especially if they aren't in the trash.

This feature is extremely useful and can save you a lot of time when trying to find specific photos.

Follow the detailed steps below to use the Google Photos search tool effectively:

Step by Step Guide to Using Google Photos Search

1. Open Google Photos:

2. Tap on the Search Bar:

3. Enter Photo Related Keywords:

To make your search easier, enter keywords that may be associated with the photo you want to recover. Some suggested keywords include:

4. Use Filters to Refine Your Search:

Google Photos allows you to refine your search using additional filters. After entering your keywords, you can:

5. Check the Search Results:

6. Restore the Photo if Necessary:

Using the search tool in Google Photos can be a very effective method of locating photos that you thought were lost.

By following these detailed steps, you can maximize your chances of finding and recovering deleted photos from Google Photos.