
Step by Step Guide: How to Create Stickers for WhatsApp


WhatsApp is one of the most popular messaging platforms in the world, and a fun way to personalize your conversations is by creating your own stickers.

In this guide, we'll explore how to create stickers for WhatsApp using three popular apps: Sticker Maker Studio, Personal Stickers for WhatsApp, and Sticker.ly.

Como Criar Figurinhas para WhatsApp
How to Create Stickers for WhatsApp (Photo: Google)

Follow the simple steps below to express your creativity in a unique way.


How to Create Stickers for WhatsApp with Sticker Maker Studio

O Sticker Maker Studio is a versatile application that allows you to create personalized stickers quickly and easily. Here's how to do it:

  1. Download and Install the Application: First, go to your phone's app store and download Sticker Maker Studio.
  2. Open the Application and Select an Image: Start the application and choose the image you want to transform into a sticker.
  3. Crop the Image: Use the application's cropping tool to select the area of the image you want to include in the sticker.
  4. Save the Sticker: After cropping, click “Save Sticker”. Your personalized sticker will be ready to use on WhatsApp.

How to Create Stickers for WhatsApp with Personal Stickers for WhatsApp

O Personal Stickers for WhatsApp is another useful app for creating your own stickers. Follow the steps below:

  1. Install the Application: Download and install Personal Stickers for WhatsApp on your phone.
  2. Open the App and Select Images: Open the application and select the images you want to transform into stickers.
  3. Create Sticker Packs: Organize your stickers into packages. Each pack can contain several related stickers.
  4. Add to WhatsApp: After creating your sticker packs, tap “Add to WhatsApp”. Now your personalized stickers will be available on WhatsApp.

How to Create Stickers for WhatsApp with Sticker.ly

The application Sticker.ly offers a wide variety of features to create creative stickers. Here's how to use it:

  1. Download the Application: Download and install Sticker.ly on your phone.
  2. Choose an Image or Video: Select the image or video you want to turn into a sticker.
  3. Edit and Customize: Use the application's editing tools to customize your sticker. Add text, emojis or other creative elements.
  4. Save and Share: After editing, click “Save” and share your sticker directly on WhatsApp.

Now that you know these three apps, you can start creating WhatsApp stickers and adding a personal touch to your conversations.

Remember that creativity has no limits, so experiment with different images and styles to create stickers that represent you and your messages in a unique way.

Have fun customizing your WhatsApp conversations!

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