
Apps for Learning Crochet: Complete Guide for Beginners

Apps for Learning Crochet

Row Counter


What is it: Row Counter is an app designed to help crocheters keep track of their rows and repeats. It's especially useful for complex projects where it's easy to get lost in counting.


How to use:

  1. Download the app from your app store (available for Android It is iOS).
  2. Create a new project and enter the project name and details.
  3. Add queues and use the counter to mark each completed queue.

Main features:

Stitch Counter

What is it: Stitch Counter is an application similar to Row Counter, but focused on counting stitches. It is ideal for projects that require precision in counting each point.

How to use:

  1. Install the application on your device.
  2. Start a new project and configure the necessary points.
  3. Use the counter to record each point made.

Main features:


What is it: Knitmastery is an all-in-one app that not only helps with row and stitch counting, but also offers tutorials, patterns, and an active community of crocheters.

How to use:

  1. Download the app.
  2. Explore available tutorials to learn new techniques.
  3. Use the built-in counters for your projects.

Main features:

Crochet Buddy

What is it: Crochet Buddy is an all-in-one app that combines row and stitch counters with additional features like pattern storage and crochet tips.

How to use:

  1. Download the app from your favorite store.
  2. Create your profile and add your projects.
  3. Use counting and pattern storage tools.

Main features:

Tips for Beginners

  1. Start with simple projects: Choose small, simple projects to gain confidence and skill.
  2. Use suitable threads and needles: Opt for thicker yarn and larger needles to make handling easier.
  3. Watch tutorials online: Take advantage of the tutorials available in apps and on YouTube to learn new techniques.
  4. Practice regularly: Constant practice helps improve your skills and memorization of stitches and patterns.

Final considerations

Learning crochet can be a fun and rewarding journey, especially with the help of apps like Row Counter, Stitch Counter, Knitmastery It is Crochet Buddy.

These apps are designed to make learning easier and more organized, allowing you to focus on creating beautiful crochet pieces.

Try these apps and see how they can transform your learning experience!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the best app for crochet beginners?

The best app depends on your specific needs. Row Counter and Stitch Counter are great for counting rows and stitches, while Knitmastery and Crochet Buddy offer additional functionality like tutorials and pattern storage.

2. Are crochet apps free?

Many apps offer free versions with basic functionality, but may have premium options with additional features.

3. Do I need internet to use these applications?

Some features, such as tutorials and online communities, may require an internet connection, but basic counting functions generally work offline.

4. Can I use these apps on any device?

Most apps are available for Android and iOS, allowing use on smartphones and tablets.

5. How can I learn crochet faster?

Practicing regularly, watching tutorials and starting with simple projects are effective ways to accelerate your crochet learning.